CA Performance Management (PM)

  CA Performance Management is a converged network operations monitoring solution for enterprise and service provider networks that discovers traditional, physical inventories as well as modern, dynamic inventories in virtual and logical overlays. The solution comes with a full suite of diagnostic capabilities including topologies, device metrics, faults, flow, packet and controller analysis, and can assure the entire pathway to the cloud, covering WAN, the delivery network and the data center cloud. Rich with analytics, both native and external with full-stack correlation

Key Benefits/Results

Comprehensive hybrid monitoring.
Broad capabilities to acquire, present and analyze network performance metrics across traditional, SDN, SDDC, SD-WAN, NFV and hybrid-cloud architectures.

Advanced scale.
Delivers the same access and experience for any size network over an extended historical period, with no data loss.

Deep diagnostics.
Converges device availability, flow, faults and packet analysis to bring granular visibility into application and service performance.

Key Features

All-in-one NetOps monitoring.
Discover and monitor traditional and modern SDx networks, LAN/WAN, data centers, enterprise and service provider networks with expert dashboards for end-to-end assurance.

Scale to 4M+.
Provides four million monitored items at 500,000 metrics per second, making it one of the most scalable network monitoring platforms available.

Experienced UI.
Built for network operations and architects with visualizations, workflows and administrations adopted from standard operating procedures.

Contextual diagnostics.
Navigate in context from device statistics to flow to packet analysis and to controller statistics.

Rich analytics.
Native beginner analytics for capacity planning, percentile and deviation from normal and future integration with advanced analytics for operational correlation.

CA Performance Management is the foundation of the network operations and analytics platform that turns inventory, topology, device metrics, faults, flow and packet analysis into actionable intelligence for network operations teams.